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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Moose Parliament Episode Thirteen: The Severely Inappropriate Show!

THE LATE LATE SHOE. Guest star Pawl B@#*!^. MIDNIGHT MOOSE. We're all really tired this episode, so we basically winged it. Apologies for how it really just dissolved, but enjoy it! We talk about a date our very own Gramma Greg went on.
 Terrible jokes, at around 55 minutes

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Magical End Music - The Moose it Roared (The Kleber Claux Memorial Singers) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

1 comment:

  1. Swallowing cum after a man's orgasm is an act of love. Also, I'm starting my period next week. This podcast was incredibly long. Greg, that girl doesn't seem too into you. Find a nice girl at school.
